gogo 丰富地
in abundance. It pertains to the familiar language in French.
la [...] 以某种方式,举止,行为……
in the manner of/in the style of [...]
la carte 点菜
literally: on the menu; according to the menu. In restaurants it refers to ordering individual dishes rather than a fixed-price meal.
propos 关于,对于
regarding/concerning (note that the correct French syntax is propos de)
abattoir 屠宰场
accouchement 坐月子;分娩
confinement during childbirth; the process of having a baby; only this last meaning remains in French
acquis communautaire 共同体
used in European Union law to refer to the total body of EU law accumulated thus far.
adieu 告别,再会
farewell; literally means "to God," it carries more weight than "au revoir" ("goodbye", literally "Until next time"): it is definitive, implying you will never see the other person again. Depending on the context, misuse of this term can be considered as an insult, as you'll wish for the other person's death or will say that you don't wish to see the other person ever again while alive. It is used for "au revoir" in south of France[1] and to point a deprivation from someone or something.
adroit 灵活的,机敏的,熟练的
skillful, clever, in French: habile, as a "right-handed" person would be using his "right" hand, as opposed to his left one with which he would be "gauche" meaning "left".
aide-mmoire 备忘录
"memory aid"; an object or memorandum to assist in remembrance, or a diplomatic paper proposing the major points of discussion
allez! 上!加油!表示命令或鼓励
"go!" or "come on!", as a command or as encouragement
amuse-bouche or amuse-gueule 餐前小点心
a single, bite-sized hors d'?uvre.
ancien rgime 旧体制
a sociopolitical or other system that no longer exists, an allusion to pre-revolutionary France (used with capital letter in French with this meaning : Ancien Rgime)
aperu 预测,第一印象,最初判断
preview; a first impression; initial insight.
apritif 开胃酒
a before-meal drink (in familiar French, it is shortened as "apro"). In French, it means either the drink or food (amuse-gueules....) you take before a meal. Also, in France, even if you're supposed to eat after an apritif, it is socially accepted to take your meal at home, therefore you can have an apritif at a bar (with or without friends), or at a friend's before going back home.
appellation contrle 原产地命名葡萄酒,即AOC
supervised use of a name. For the conventional use of the term, see Appellation d'origine contrle
Aprs moi, le dluge 直译:“洪水在我身后”,意译:“身后之事与我何干”
literally: After me, the deluge; remark attributed to Louis XV of France; used to denigrate the attitude of someone who acts irresponsibly, without worrying on the consequences that his/her acts could have; used in reference to the impending end of a functioning French monarchy and predicting the French Revolution. No. 617 Squadron Royal Air Force, famously known as the "Dambusters", uses this as its motto. Also a verse in the song Aprs Moi by Regina Spektor.
- 旅游法语口语系列一
- 旅游法语口语系列二
- 旅游法语:第一次坐法国航班
- 旅游法语:博物馆musées
- 旅游法语:旅店hotel
- 旅游法语:宗教religion
- 旅游法语:中国历史年表
- 旅游法语:Voyage
- 商业词汇法英对照系列一
- 商业词汇法英对照系列二
- 商业词汇法英对照系列三
- 商业词汇法英对照系列四
- 商业词汇法英对照系列五
- 商业词汇法英对照系列六
- 商业词汇法英对照系列七
- 商业词汇法英对照系列八
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