



  arte 脊,边缘

  a narrow ridge. In French, also fishbone; edge of a polyhedron or graph; bridge of the nose.

  armoire 衣橱

  a type of cabinet; wardrobe.

  art nouveau 新艺术

  a style of decoration and architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It bears a capital in French (Art nouveau).


  attach 专员/随员

  a person attached to an embassy; in French is also the past participle of the verb attacher (= to fasten, to tight, to be linked...)


  Attaque au Fer 击剑

  An attack on the opponent's blade in fencing, e.g. beat, expulsion, pressure.

  au contraire 相反地

  on the contrary.

  au courant 与时俱进,跟进最新的消息

  up-to-date; abreast of current affairs.

  au fait 熟悉的,精通的,能上任的

  being conversant in or with, or instructed in or with.

  au jus 原汁的,原汤的

  literally, with juice, referring to a food course served with sauce. Often redundantly formulated, as in 'Open-faced steak sandwich, served with au jus.'. No longer used in French, except for the slang "tre au jus" (to be informed)

  au pair 互惠生

  a young foreigner who does domestic chores in exchange for room and board. In France, those chores are mainly child care/education.


  au revoir! 再见,一会儿见

  "See you later!" In French a contraction of Au plaisir de vous revoir (to the pleasure of seeing you again).

  avant-garde (pl. avant-gardes) 先锋派[艺术流派之一]

  applied to cutting-edge or radically innovative movements in art, music and literature; figuratively "on the edge", literally, a military term, meaning "vanguard" (which is the deformation of avant-garde) or "advance guard", in other words, "first to attack" (antonym of arrire-garde).

  avant la lettre 前卫的

  used to describe something or someone seen as a precursor or forerunner of something (such as an artistic or political movement) before that something was recognized and named, e.g. "a post-modernist avant la lettre", "a feminist avant la lettre"; the expression literally means before the letter, i.e. "before it had a name".

  avec plaisir 很荣幸地,愉快地

  my pleasure (lit. "with pleasure")


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