


  Stress / Accento Tonico

  Usually, Italian words are stressed on the next–to–the–last syllable.

  amico friend

  foglia leaf

  Milano Milan

  nipote nephew

  padre father

  parlare to speak

  signorina Miss

  studiare to study

  telefonare to telephone

  uomo man

  When the final –e is dropped from a word, as happens with some masculine titles when they are directly followed by a proper name, the position of the stress remains unchanged.

  dottore doctor

  dottor Nardi Doctor Nardi

  professore professor

  professor Pace professor Pace

  When words are stressed on the last vowel, they always have a written accent over that vowel

  cioè namely

  città city

  perchè because

  però however

  tassì taxi

  università university

  venerdì Friday

  virtù virtue

  It is useful to remember that open e and o occur only in stressed syllables.

  automobile automobile

  medico physician

  nobile noble

  telefono telephone

  Note: The written accent is used with a few monosyllables in order to distinguish them from others that have the same spelling but a different meaning.

  dà gives

  da from

  è is

  e and

  là there

  la the; it; her

  né nor

  ne some

  sé himself, herself

  se if

  sì yes

  si oneself


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