

  The weather in Italy varies greatly by region and season. During l'inverno (winter), there can be ice storms and below-freezing weather even in the south of Italy. Many Italians head to the Alps for una settimana in bianca (winter vacation). La primavera (spring) is so beautiful, there's even a pasta dish named after it—pasta primavera—which is tossed with seasonal fresh vegetables.

  L'estate (summer) in Italy can be brutally hot, even in the northern regions, and many Italians take the month of August off. There's usually a mass exodus to the beaches and mountains, anywhere for cool breezes and a place to sit in the shade. L'autunno (autumn) is a splendid time, when the grapes and olives are harvested (the harvest is known as la vendemmia) and the leaves change in the hills. Although November tends to be rainy, it can be an ideal time to visit Italy, since fewer tourists are present.


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