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L 开头的意大利语谚语


  La buona moglie fa il buon marito.English translation: A good wife makes a good husband.

  La gatta frettolosa fece i gattini ciechi.English translation: The hurried cat produced blind kittens.

  Idiomatic meaning: Haste makes waste.

  La gente in case di vetro non dovrebbe gettare le pietre.English translation: People in glass houses should not throw stones.

  La lingua non ha osso ma rompe l'osso.English translation: The tongue has no bone but it breaks bone.

  La moglie è la chiave di casa.English translation: A good wife is the key to a good home.

  La pratica vale più della grammatica.English translation: Experience is the best teacher.

  La prima è matrimonio, la seconda compania, la terza un'eresia.English translation: The first woman you marry is your wife, the second a companion, the third is nonsense.

  L'abito non fa il monaco.English translation: The habit does not make the monk.

  Idiomatic meaning: Clothes don't make the man.

  L'amore domina senza regole.English translation: Love rules without rules.

  L'amore e cieco.English translation: Love is blind.

  Le bugie hanno le gambe corte.English translation: Lies have short legs.

  Le ore del mattino hanno l'oro in bocca.English translation: The morning hours are the most precious of the day.

  L'occhio del padrone ingrassa il cavallo.English translation: A business thrives under the eye of its owner.

  Lontano dagli occhi, lontano dal cuore.English translation: Out of sight, out of mind.

  L'uomo propone ma Dio dispone.English translation: Man proposes but God disposes.


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