Beyond 100
Do you remember those good old days before the euro's arrival in Italy when you would pay a few thousand lire for admission to a museum or a cappuccino and biscotti? Tourists needed more than just the numbers up to 100 to get around. Lire are history, but learning numbers greater than 100 might still prove useful. Though they might seem unwieldy, after a bit of practice you'll be rolling them off your tongue like a pro.
100 |
cento |
CHEN-toh |
101 |
centouno/centuno |
cheh-toh-OO-noh/chehn-TOO-noh |
150 |
centocinquanta |
cheh-toh-cheen-KWAHN-tah |
200 |
duecento |
doo-eh-CHEN-toh |
300 |
trecento |
treh-CHEN-toh |
400 |
quattrocento |
kwaht-troh-CHEN-toh |
500 |
cinquecento |
cheen-kweh-CHEN-toh |
600 |
seicento |
seh-ee-CHEN-toh |
700 |
settecento |
set-the-CHEN-toh |
800 |
ottocento |
oht-toh-CHEN-toh |
900 |
novecento |
noh-veh-CHEN-toh |
1.000 |
mille |
MEEL-leh |
1.001 |
milleuno |
meel-leh-OO-noh |
1.200 |
milleduecento |
meel-leh-doo-eh-CHEN-toh |
2.000 |
duemila |
doo-eh-MEE-lah |
10.000 |
diecimila |
dee-eh-chee-MEE-lah |
15.000 |
quindicimila |
kween-dee-chee-MEE-lah |
100.000 |
centomila |
chen-toh-mee-leh |
1.000.000 |
un milione |
OON mee-lee-OH-neh |
2.000.000 |
due milioni |
DOO-eh mee-lee-OH-neh | |
un miliardo |
OON mee-lee-ARE-doh |
You can place items in "order" with ordinal numbers. For instance, il primo is the first course on a menu and il secondo is the second course. Vittorio Emanuele III, who ruled the unified Italian nation from 1900 to 1946, was the third king with that name. Pope Paul V (1605-1621) was the fifth pope with the name Paul. When used with the numerical succession of kings, popes, and emperors, the ordinal numbers are capitalized:
Vittorio Emanuele Secondo (Vittorio Emanuele II)
Leone Nono (Leone IX)
Carlo Quinto (Carlo V)
diciottesimo secolo (eighteenth century)
first |
primo |
second |
secondo |
third |
terzo |
fourth |
quarto |
fifth |
quinto |
sixth |
sesto |
seventh |
settimo |
eighth |
ottavo |
ninth |
nono |
tenth |
decimo |
eleventh |
undicesimo |
twelfth |
dodicesimo |
thirteenth |
tredicesimo |
fourteenth |
quattordicesimo |
fifteenth |
quindicesimo |
sixteenth |
sedicesimo |
seventeenth |
diciassettesimo |
eighteenth |
diciottesimo |
nineteenth |
diciannovesimo |
twentieth |
ventesimo |
twenty-first |
ventunesimo |
twenty-third |
ventitreesimo |
hundredth |
centesimo |
thousandth |
millesimo |
two thousandth |
duemillesimo |
three thousandth |
tremillesimo |
one millionth |
milionesimo |
Notice the regularity of ordinal numbers beginning with undicesimo—the suffix -esimo is added to the cardinal numbers by dropping the final vowel of the cardinal number. The one exception includes numbers ending in -tré. Those numbers drop their accent and are unchanged when -esimo is added. Since Italian ordinal numbers function as adjectives, they must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify: primo, prima, primi, prime.
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- 意大利语词汇:人体 8
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- 常用1000个意语单词(28)
- 意语词汇:旅行之轮船 5
- 意大利语词汇:药草与香料 4
- 意语词汇:贸易 9
- 意语词汇:旅行之轮船 1
- 常用1000个意语单词(10)
- 意语词汇:趣味骂人4
- 常用1000个意语单词(8)
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- 常用1000个意语单词(27)
- 意大利语入门:意大利语词汇素材--乐器 2
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- 常用1000个意语单词(15)
- 意语词汇:贸易 5
- 常用1000个意语单词(5)
- 意大利语词汇:药草与香料 1
- 意语词汇:旅行之轮船 4
- 意语词汇:趣味骂人6
- 意语词汇:趣味骂人8
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- 意大利语词汇指导:意大利语服装词汇03
- 常用1000个意语单词(18)
- 意语词汇:贸易 4
- 意大利语初级入门:意大利语词汇--技术A 2
- 意语词汇:贸易 1
- 意语词汇:趣味骂人2
- 意大利语词汇指导:意大利语服装词汇06
- 常用1000个意语单词(17)
- 意语词汇:趣味骂人3
- 意语词汇:贸易 8
- 意语词汇:趣味骂人9
- 意语词汇:趣味骂人1
- 意语词汇:旅行之轮船 2
- 意语词汇:旅行之轮船 6
- 常用1000个意语单词(30)
- 意大利语词汇:人体 7
- 常用1000个意语单词(23)
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