



  托儿所 nursery/creche

  幼儿园 kindergarten

  小学 primary(elementary)school

  中学 middle(secondary)school

  初中 junior middle school

  高中 senior middle school

  职业中学 vocational middle school

  实验中学 experimental middle school

  附属中学 attached middle school

  农业中学 agricultural middle school

  (职工)子弟学校 school for children of workers &staff members

  业余学校 spare-time school

  电视大学 television(T.V.)university

  职工大学 college for workers &. Staff members

  文科大学 university of liberal arts

  理科大学 university of science

  函授大学 correspondence college

  中等专科学校 secondary technical school

  技工学校 school of technology

  聋哑学校 school of deaf-mutes

  盲人学校 school for the blind/blidmen's school

  成人学校 adult school

  民办学校 voluntary school

  补习学校 continuation school

  夜校 evening (night) school

  职业学校 vocational school

  外语学校 foreign languages school

  卫生学校 health school

  商业学校 commercial school

  师范学校 school for kindergarten teachers

  护士学校 nurses' school

  艺术学校 art school

  舞蹈学校 dancing school

  会计学校 accountant school

  财贸学校 finance and trade school

  水利学校 water conservancy school

  电力学校 electric power school

  化工学校 chemical engineering school

  邮电学校 posts &.telecommunications school

  电机制造学校 electrical machinery school

  冶金机械学校 metallurgical machinery school

  铁路技术学校 railway engineering school

  石油地质学校 petroleum geological school

  建筑工程学校 building engineering school

  水产技术学校 marine products technical school

  渔业航海学校 fishery and navigation school

  纺织航海学校 textile machinery school

  铁路机械学校 railway machinery school


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