Indirect object nouns and pronouns (i pronomi indiretti) answer the question to whom? or for whom? In English, the word "to" is sometimes omitted:
We gave a cookbook to Uncle John.
We gave Uncle John a cookbook.
In Italian, the preposition a is always used before an indirect object noun:
Ho regalato un libro di cucina allo zio Giovanni. (I gave a cookbook to Uncle John.)
Perché non regali un profumo alla mamma? (Why don't you give Mother some perfume?)
Puoi spiegare questa ricetta a Paolo? (Can you explain this recipe to Paul?)
Indirect object pronouns replace indirect object nouns. They are identical in form to direct object pronouns, except for the third-person forms gli, le, and loro. For all the forms, see below.
I |
mi (to/for me) |
ci (to/for us) |
II |
ti (to/for you, informal) |
vi (to/for you, informal) |
lo, la (to, for him/her) |
li, le (to/for them, masculine/feminine) |
La (to/for you, formal) |
Li, Le (to/for you, formal, masculine/feminine) |
Le ho dato tre ricette. (I gave her three recipes.)
Ci offrono un caffè. (They offer us a cup of coffee.)
Parliamo loro domani. (We'll talk to them tomorrow.)
Similarly, indirect object pronouns attach to infinitives, which lose their final -e:
Non ho tempo di parlargli. (I have no time to talk to him.)
If the infinitive is preceded by a conjugated form of dovere, potere, or volere, the indirect object pronoun may also precede the conjugated verb:
Voglio parlargli./Gli voglio parlare. (I want to talk to him.)
Also note that le and gli are never elided before a verb beginning with a vowel or an h:
Le offro un caffè. (I offer her a cup of coffee.)
Gli hanno detto "Ciao!". (They said "Ciao!" to him.)
The table below provides a few common Italian verbs that are often used with indirect object nouns or pronouns.
dare |
to give |
dire |
to say |
domandare |
to ask |
(im)prestare |
to lend |
insegnare |
to teach |
mandare |
to send |
mostrare |
to show |
offrire |
to offer |
portare |
to bring |
preparare |
to prepare |
regalare |
to give (as a gift) |
rendere |
to return, give back |
riportare |
to bring back |
scrivere |
to write |
telefonare |
to telephone |
- 意大利语基本会话-5
- 意大利语学习:哺乳动物
- 意大利语学习:植物
- 意大利语学习:家庭
- 【实用意大利语】询问银行上班时间
- 意大利语基本会话-20
- 【实用意大利语】新闻节目
- 【实用意大利语】商谈讨论细节
- 【实用意大利语】支票兑换(下)
- 【实用意大利语】银行开户(下)
- 意大利语基本会话-8
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- 意大利语学习:厨房2
- 【实用意大利语】询问换钱地方
- 意大利语学习:卧室
- 意大利语基本会话-24
- 意大利语学习:海生动物
- 【实用意大利语】询问节目
- 常用意大利语口语会话
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- 【实用意大利语】银行开户(上)
- 意大利语学习:昆虫
- 意大利语基本会话-4
- 【实用意大利语】我有什么
- 【实用意大利语】电视节目(上)
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- 意大利语有关时间的会话
- 意大利语学习:动物
- 意大利语基本会话-23
- 【实用意大利语】银行存款 (上)
- 意大利语基本会话-18
- 意大利语学习:数字
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- 【实用意大利语】询问汇率(下)
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- 【实用意大利语】银行存款 (下)
- 【实用意大利语】借钱(下)
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- 意大利语词汇(MP3+图)
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- 【实用意大利语】介绍节目
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- 【实用意大利语】电视节目(下)
- 意大利语基本会话-6
- 特克斯县05月30日天气:晴转多云,风向:无持续风向,风力:<3级,气温:22/9℃
- 麻城市05月30日天气:多云,风向:北风,风力:3-4级转<3级,气温:28/22℃
- 大安市05月30日天气:晴转多云,风向:东南风,风力:<3级,气温:25/14℃
- 昭苏县05月30日天气:晴转阴,风向:无持续风向,风力:<3级,气温:19/6℃
- 和布克赛尔蒙古县05月30日天气:小雨转晴,风向:无持续风向,风力:<3级,气温:11/3℃
- 塔什库尔干县05月30日天气:小雨,风向:无持续风向,风力:<3级,气温:13/2℃
- 乌兰县05月30日天气:小雨,风向:西风,风力:<3级,气温:22/8℃
- 临猗县05月30日天气:晴转多云,风向:西风,风力:<3级,气温:22/18℃
- 东方市05月30日天气:多云,风向:北风,风力:3-4级转<3级,气温:32/27℃
- 温泉县05月30日天气:晴,风向:无持续风向,风力:<3级,气温:22/6℃
- 意大利语现在完成进行时
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- 意大利语的阴阳性辅导
- 《木偶奇遇记》正文05
- 实用意大利语口语学习资料(43)
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- 意语词汇:考古 2
- 意大利语精选文章阅读第8篇