





Prepositions that take the Accusative case

Preps. that take the Dative case

Preps. that take the Genitive case

Preps. that may take Acc. or Dat.

durch through
gegen against
um around
für for
ohne without
aus out (of), from (country, town or place)
mit with, by means of (transportation)
von from (person, open space, or direction), by
seit since, for
bei near, at, at home of or place of business
nach after, to (cities and countries)
zu to (mostly people and specifically named buildings)
gegenüber across from
außer except for, besides
während during
trotz in spite of
anstatt instead of
wegen because of
an at, to, on (vertical surfaces, denotes border or limiting area)
auf onto, on (horizontal surfaces), to (some public buildings)
hinter behind
in in, into (building, enclosed space, feminine or plural countries)
neben beside, next to
über over, above, across, about
unter under, below, among, beneath
vor in front of, before
zwischen between


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